Morrisons Cruelty

Morrisons claims to "take animal welfare seriously." Yet, despite evidence of horrific animal suffering in its supply chain, it is refusing to eradicate some of the cruellest practices by signing up to the Better Chicken Commitment. These scientific measures are backed by 37 animal protection charities from across Europe. Bred to grow so fast their bodies cope, 'Frankenchickens' sold at Morrisons are living lives of misery. It's time for change. When will Morrisons hold true to their word and stop selling suffering?

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Bred to Suffer

Birds have been so genetically manipulated that they grow to be three times as large as they would without such invasive tampering — and in less time. This accelerated growth leaves birds crippled under their own weight and causes a myriad of other problems.

Trapped in Filth

Industrial farming operations house hundreds of thousands of birds inside filthy, windowless sheds. Due to this severe overcrowding, these birds are provided slightly less space than a sheet of paper to live on. Often they are unable to walk and lie in ammonia-laden litter causing sores and respiratory problems.